Enjoy Your Food Once Again With Dental Implants

Many people seek dental implants in Dublin because they have missing or broken teeth that they feel self-conscious about, or alternatively they are fed up with wearing dentures long-term and are looking for a more permanent solution. The good news is that dental implants can improve the look of your mouth and provide stability and comfort unlike many dentures, but more importantly, they can also help you to eat better.

dental implants in dublinEating is considered one of the most pleasurable things to do but this may not be the case for those who are suffering missing teeth, or who wear dentures. Trying to eat and chew when you have missing teeth can be difficult and when you consider that a normal tooth has to take around 200lbs per square inch of bite pressure that’s a lot of pressure that’s being transferred either to gums or adjacent teeth. This can often cause further damage. One such solution is to wear dentures but as the shape of a person’s jawbone changes over time, the dentures become loose causing them to slip and slide in the mouth. In addition they may also rub on the gum line which can cause major discomfort. As a result normal eating can become either acutely embarrassing or painful.

So how can dental implants in Dublin help?

In essence implants replace both the form and the function of missing teeth. As they are secured directly into the jawbone, they’re solid and reliable and aren’t going to move. They can also withstand pretty much the same level of bite pressure that a natural tooth can take and this means no more worries when eating or chewing, giving you the chance to enjoy food again.

What other advantages do dental implants bring?

Because you are able to eat and enjoy any type of food, it means that you’re no longer limited by what you can eat. The result is that if you choose to, you can improve your overall health and well-being by eating a wider variety of foods. Foods which are good for you such as raw vegetables, lean meat, nuts and hard fruits, which you may have struggled to eat prior to having your dental implants fitted, will no longer be off-limits.

If you want to find out more about how undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Dublin can improve every aspect of your life. We’ve been placing dental implants in our patients for many years and know first hand the real benefits that they can bring. Contact us on 01 235 4631 for further information.