How Can Dental Implants Help My Nutrition?

The opportunity to eat what you like when you choose may seem second nature to many people but for those with dental problems it isn’t always that straightforward. Our mouths serve as a gateway to proper nutrition and if a person can’t easily eat the right foods then it can have an effect on their overall well-being. By visiting a dental clinic who have a special interest in fitting dental implants in Dublin it’s possible to restore the mouth, giving a person the chance to eat both nutritiously and healthily once again.

Are there certain foods that can help the mouth?

dental implants dublinWhilst there are a number of foods that are good for our overall health and well-being, there are also a number of foods which are specifically good for the mouth. For instance food containing calcium and vitamin D helps to keep our teeth strong and healthy. When combined with calcium it makes for a formidable team. Vitamin D also serves as an anti inflammatory and can help to keep bacterial infections at bay that could otherwise cause periodontal disease. Omega 3 is another source of nutrition that has the ability to strengthen the gums making them less prone to gum disease. By eating foods that are rich in vitamin D, calcium, and omega 3 you’re not only eating essential nutrients for the body, but also for the mouth. Therefore foods such as eggs, oily fish like tuna and sardines, and calcium rich foods such as milk and cheese, plus calcium fortified juice drinks are ideal.

What about other foods?

 Foods rich in phosphorous such as lean white meats, nuts, and again milk, all help to re-mineralise teeth, thus protecting the dental enamel. Crunchy, firm fruit and vegetables such as apples, pears and celery contain a high water content which dilutes any sugar that they naturally contain. They also have the ability to stimulate saliva, which in turn can help to wash away acid and food particles. In addition, tap water not only helps to dilute the sugars found naturally in other foods, but the fluoride contained within helps to naturally protect and strengthen teeth.

Whilst some foods are easy to chew and digest, others such as lean meat, crunchy fruit, vegetables and nuts can be problematic for those with missing teeth or for denture wearers. For this reason, replacing missing teeth with a dental implant in Dublin is the ideal solution not only for your overall nutritional well-being, but also to protect your mouth.

If you are considering dental implants in Dublin and need more information then don’t hesitate to contact us. Here at Dublin18Dental, we’ve been fitting implants for many years and as such understand the real value that a well-fitting set of implants can bring. With this in mind why not contact us on 01 235 4631 to book a consultation? So go on, take the first steps towards creating an all-round healthier you!