How Does Tooth Extraction Work For Patients Near Foxrock?

When we’re young, we all lose our milk teeth and what replaces them is adult or permanent teeth that we are meant to have until our dying day. But, due to wear and tear and general ageing, sometimes, our adult teeth fall out, break, decay or simply need removing. Although it may sound like a harrowing experience, at Dublin18 we endeavour to make it was pleasant and painless as possible.

Tooth extraction

So why might you need a tooth extracting? Honestly, the list is extensive—anything from gum disease to tooth decay could be the culprit. Sometimes, you might need to have teeth extracted so that other teeth can move into their correct position.

Tooth extraction, however, is often the last resort and it isn’t an option readily available for children as they have not stopped having growing teeth yet. But for some adults, it is unavoidable. If this is the case for you, then here’s what you need to know: your dentist will most likely remove the tooth at the dental surgery. You will be put under local anaesthetic and the tooth will be removed then. Surgery to remove the teeth may also be an option depending on each individual patient. While the surgical removal of a tooth is a more invasive treatment, it is one that is often performed safely.

Wisdom tooth extraction

A common type of tooth extraction is the removal of wisdom teeth and the upper wisdom teeth most frequently. The upper wisdom teeth normally have three roots unlike the two other wisdom teeth have. Since these roots can be easily located, the process of removing these teeth doesn’t need to be overly painful. At Dublin18 Dental Care near Foxrock, we will work with you to ensure that the removal of any of your teeth need not be overly painful. We are mindful of our patients and strive to provide them with a gentle, skilful procedure and satisfying dental experience.