Sugar-Free Chewing Gum: Benefits For Your Oral Health For Patients Near Blackrock

As a child, you may have been told off for chewing gum, but some types of chewing gum can actually be beneficial for your oral health.

How can chewing gum benefit me?

Chewing sugar free chewing gum increases the production of saliva, the moist substance, which is secreted into the mouth to aid chewing and remove food debris from the mouth after eating. It is important that the mouth is kept moist and saliva is constantly secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands. Without saliva, the mouth would be very dry and it would be difficult to eat and chew food properly.

Saliva can also help to neutralise plaque acids, which can be very damaging for the protective tooth enamel; it also helps to wash away food particles and remineralise tooth enamel. Chewing gum stimulates saliva production, which has numerous benefits, but it is important to stick to sugar-free gum. Sugary gum is not good for the teeth and it can be very harmful for the tooth enamel, as sugary foods cause bacteria to release harmful plaque acids, which attack and weaken the enamel and exposes the teeth to bacterial infection.

When should I chew gum?

Sugar-free chewing gum also helps to keep breath smelling clean and fresh after eating and is particularly beneficial for people who are prone to bad breath after meals. Research has shown that chewing sugar free chewing gum for 2 minutes after meals and snacks can help to reduce tooth decay by up to 40%, which is very helpful for patients who are at high risk of developing cavities and caries.

Dublin18 Dental Care near Blackrock are supplying free samples of Wrigley’s chewing gum which can be picked up at your dental appointment; please ask the reception team or your dentist for details.