Tag: restorative dental treatments

Restorative Treatments Near Dublin18 Village

Restorative treatments are very common; they are designed to strengthen weak or damaged teeth or to replace missing teeth. At Dublin18 Dental Care near Dublin18 Village we use the highest quality materials to produce bespoke restorations, which provide excellent aesthetics and enhanced durability.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are a popular tooth replacement treatment; they are usually used to replace a single missing tooth. A dental bridge is made of a false tooth, which is anchored by crowns. Dental bridges can be made from many different materials; ceramic bridges tend to be very popular because they look like natural teeth. There are different types of dental bridge and the type of bridge used is generally determined by the location of the missing tooth and the strength of the surrounding teeth; the most commonly used type of bridge is a traditional fixed bridge. If there are teeth on one side of the missing tooth only, a cantilever bridge is usually used; if the front tooth is missing, a Maryland bridge may be the best option.


Crowns, also known as caps, are a form of restoration, which may be recommended if you have damaged your tooth as a result of trauma or injury or your tooth is decayed. The crown fits over the top of the natural tooth and it is designed to protect the tooth from further damage and improve the function of the tooth. Crowns can be made from metal or ceramic material; porcelain crowns are very popular because they blend in with the colour of the natural teeth.

Before a crown is fitted, the tooth has to be prepared; this is done to ensure that al the decayed or damaged tooth structure is removed and the tooth is clean and infection-free before the new crown is placed. Crowns are custom-made for the individual patient to ensure that they fit over the natural tooth perfectly.