Tag: Six Month Smiles Carrickmines

Patients Near Carrickmines Get A Hollywood Smile With A Six Month Smile Makeover

So you have crooked teeth, want to get rid of them fast and don’t want anyone to know about it. The lengthy treatment time of traditional orthodontics looms over you with its partner the fixed metal brace, whilst the image of your own crooked teeth seems to place you between a rock and hard place. But what if you could discreetly have orthodontic treatment at (relative) speed?

The six month smile

Six months could be quite a long time in any other field but, given that standard treatment can take up to three years for orthodontics, this is pretty speedy. The six month smile procedure is also discreet, the wires used in the treatment being tooth coloured and thus difficult to notice. The treatment is also cheaper than conventional brace work and much more comfortable as your teeth are gently repositioned.

How does this work?

Children tend to require braces to fix bite problems caused by growth issues. Adults on the other hand, tend to require braces for aesthetic reasons. As a result, adult treatment tends to involve repositioning the front teeth without any major modifications required for their bite and it is this which shaves off so much of the time that brace treatment normally requires. New technological advancements, such as the special nickel titanium which the wires are made of, also aid with the speed of the treatment.

How does the procedure work?

Firstly, your suitability for the treatment will be assessed; this will involve your dentist examining your smile and taking some photographs and x-rays. Following this, you will be fitted with the special braces (which have come directly from a laboratory in the United States). You will then be required to attend quick appointments (roughly 10-15 minutes) every month or so, so that your dentist can check on you and adjust the braces. This will continue until the six months are up! So, if you are interested do contact us at Dublin18 Dental Care near to Carrickmines for more inform