Tag: Tooth extraction Monkstown

When do Patients near Monkstown Need a Tooth Extraction?

It isn’t pleasant, but sometimes you need to have a tooth removed. There are numerous scenarios in which extraction will be necessary. Here are the most common offenders.

Repair is not practical

A tooth may have such extensive decay, or have been fractured in such an extreme manner, that extraction may be deemed more appropriate than any other form of procedure for patients near Monkstown. In these cases, it may be that an obstacle has presented itself, which prevents other forms of surgery. These obstacles do not necessarily have to be physical and it may just be that the cost of treatment is too much. If you suffer from gum disease, this can also lead to extraction. As gum disease advances, your tooth may be supported less and less by the surrounding bone and could come loose. Here, extraction may be the only viable option. 

To prepare for braces

Orthodontic treatment is used to perfect the alignment of a patient’s teeth. In some scenarios there may be a discrepancy between the size of a patient’s jaw and the space required to improve the alignment of the teeth. In such a situation, some teeth may require extraction. 

Poorly positioned and non-functioning teeth

Wisdom teeth have a habit of coming through at an awkward angle, often provided endless irritation to a person’s cheek. These serve as a prime example of teeth that may need to be removed due to their positioning. Some teeth can also serve little functional process but carry with them the potential for future complications. Wisdom teeth, due to their position in the mouth, can, for example, create oral hygiene problems, as they are hard to clean. This can lead to problems for the surrounding teeth and thus wisdom teeth may be viable for extraction.

Talk to us

Regardless of how you get there, Dublin18 Dental Care will be able help you along every step of the procedure. If you have any worries or queries, please do contact the practice!