Dental Emergencies for Patients near Ballsbridge

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, in any place and, often, when you’re least expecting it. Thankfully, we are always on hand to help through our emergency dental service, which is available out of hours and there are also urgent appointments available during office hours.

About dental emergencies

You may be involved in an accident, you may suddenly chip your tooth or you may find that pain you have been experiencing for a while suddenly becomes severe and intolerable. Whatever the emergency, we are here to help. You can contact us during office hours or out of hours to get emergency dental care.

Common examples of dental injuries include chipped and fractured teeth, a dislodged tooth, jaw fracture, dental abscesses and severe tooth pain.

When should I seek help?

Some dental emergencies require urgent attention, while others may not be quite so serious. In any case, if you are suffering from pain or you think you may have sustained a dental injury, get in touch with our team and we will do our best to see you as soon as possible.

If you have had a tooth knocked out we may be able to save the tooth; if you are able to find it you can try to re-implant the tooth into the tooth socket. If this does not work store the tooth in a glass of milk and arrange to see a dentist as soon as possible; avoid touching the root if you handle the tooth.

If you have suffered a jaw injury and it is causing you severe pain, you can also visit your local Accident and Emergency department.

If you have been suffering from dental pain and it suddenly becomes worse, do not hesitate to contact us. When tooth pain is present it is advisable to see your dentist, as these problems tend to get worse. We can treat the problem early to prevent you from experiencing unnecessary pain.

Dublin18 Dental Care near Ballsbridge provides emergency dental appointments for patients and those who are not registered with the practice. If you leave a message with your contact details we will be in touch as soon as possible in order to arrange an appointment.