How dental implants can restore beauty and functionality to your mouth

Dental implants offer the only permanent method by which a dentist can replace your missing teeth. At Dublin 18 Dental Rooms, our skilled implant dentists can use implants to replace one, some, or all of your teeth.

dental-implantsHow dental implants work

Teeth are made up of two parts – crowns and roots. Standard tooth replacement treatments, such as bridges or dentures, only replace the crown portions of your teeth. The problem is that without the roots in place, the jaw bone starts to recede or shrink back, which is a common reason that traditional dentures become increasingly loose over time. This can also cause a sunken appearance to the jowls and the facial skin.

Dental implants are bionic tooth roots, which means that they actively prevent these problems, as well as holding your new teeth firmly in place in the same way that your natural tooth roots did with your natural teeth. This means they give you back not only a smile to be proud of, but also full functionality in your jaw, meaning you can eat whatever you like and easily keep up a healthy, balanced diet.

Dublin dental implants

When you come to our Dublin Room for an implant consultation, your dentist will take x-rays and scan as necessary to aid with diagnosis and assist with treatment planning. After establishing how many implants and new teeth you need, they will plan your implant surgery.

Most people require just a local anaesthetic for dental implants to be placed. Your implants will be left to heal and mesh with your jaw bone, creating a very strong base on to which your new teeth will then be attached. These new teeth may be crowns, dentures, or a bridge, depending on your personal requirements.