Patients From Dublin Find Out About The Advantages Of Invisible Aligners

When Sartre wrote “hell is other people,” he was probably referring to teenagers.  Some long for the carefree days of childhood. But others, however, were more than happy to leave the republic of adolescence firmly behind us. The abject cruelty of which those under voting age are capable still sends shivers down many people’s spine, and it is often amongst such school yard tyranny that teens are first made to wear braces. That adolescent fear can leave its mark, even among non-brace wearers, and full grown adults can sometimes find themselves irrationally fearing the brace. But… what if no one knew you were wearing one?

The invisible brace

Invisible aligners are virtually unnoticeable clear braces, and they can help one achieve a naturally straight smile without any apparent change in appearance.

Advantages of invisible aligners

Aside from being invisible, they also provide a more comfortable treatment experience than traditional metal braces which can inflame and irritate the gums. Invisible aligners are also more convenient than their metal & wire counterparts as they are removable, thus bypassing the age old complaint of getting food trapped between wire and elastic. This ability to remove invisible aligners also helps with maintaining oral hygiene during treatment, something which can be neglected with metal braces and lead to future problems.

How it works

Treatment via invisible aligners consists of several clear aligners which will be changed every fortnight. Each aligner worn will gradually shift the teeth to their desired location. It is important to note that, although invisible aligners are suitable for most patients,this treatment may not be appropriate in some severe cases. A patient’s suitability, however, will easily be assessed during the initial consultation. It is following this consultation, if the patient is deemed suitable, that a patient would have several photographs and a mould of their mouth taken. It is from these images that a 3D model of their mouth will be produced. From this a simulation of a patient’s desired mouth position can be constructed, and the aligners produced will be based on this model. Here at Dublin18 Dental Care in Dublin we can offer you advice and treatment options regarding invisible aligners, so contact us today.