Put sensitive teeth in their place with a little help from Dublin18 Dental Care

Teeth can become sensitive when the tooth enamel erodes and the nerves become exposed. This can result from incorrect brushing technique, when bristles are too hard or even as a side-effect of whitening treatments. Tooth erosion may also be caused by sugars and acidic foods, some medications, poor oral hygiene and teeth grinding (bruxism).

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity

Patients with sensitive teeth feel pain when drinking and eating hot or cold foods; even breathing cold or hot air can trigger tooth pain. The pain is experienced because the dentin below the worn enamel surface is eroded, leaving the nerves exposed. This kind of sensitivity can impact daily routine and leave people disgruntled.

Treatment for sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth can be treated with toothpastes that have desensitising agents, such as Sensodyne and other sensitive teeth toothpastes. There are also certain mouthwashes which help to reduce sensitivity; however, these products are unable to replace worn enamel, so it is always best to adopt a preventative stance where possible.

A trip to Dublin18 Dental Care can be of assistance if you are currently having issues with sensitive teeth. The dental team will be able to assess your teeth and decide upon a diagnosis. Whether the issue is caused by poor dental health or diet, bruxism or related health conditions, we will be able to provide advice and treatment where applicable.

Preventing sensitive teeth

We believe that prevention is always better than having to find a cure. It will prevent pain in the first instance and also save you money. It is advised to follow a good oral hygiene routine, limit intake of sugar and acidic foods, check your toothbrush’s bristles are soft, be gentle when brushing your teeth and to attend regular dental check-ups to ensure underlying conditions are diagnosed and treated quickly.