Straighter teeth without obvious braces: options for Dublin adults

Orthodontic treatment no longer has to equal metal braces – at Dublin 18 we offer a number of more discreet treatment options, specifically designed for the scores of adults who want straighter teeth but balk at the thought of wearing an obvious metal appliance for months or years on end.

braces dublinIt’s true that braces are often the best way to straighten teeth, because they afford your dentist or orthodontist maximum control over each tooth’s movement, and produce predictable results. What’s not true, however, is that braces need to be made from metal.

Discreet orthodontics in Dublin

At our Dublindental clinic we use both braces and aligners to straighten adults’ teeth, with minimal fuss and without the whole world having to know you are having treatment. We invite you to join us for a teeth straightening consultation, during which we will discuss all your relevant treatment options, after first conducting a thorough clinical examination.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles are cosmetic braces that comprise clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires for enhanced discretion. Unlike their metal counterparts, Six Month Smiles are hardly noticeable in daily life, and many people won’t even realise that you are undergoing treatment.

Invisalign clear aligners

Clear aligners are a modern alternative to standard orthodontic appliances. They are designed to fit snugly over your teeth and gently guide them into a new position. At Dublin 18dental clinic we use Invisalign clear plastic aligners, which are invisible when in your mouth, and which are also removable, meaning you can easily pop them out to clean, to eat and drink, and to brush your teeth.

Inman Aligner

This single aligner quickly corrects problems such as crowding or protrusion of the front teeth. It is a popular choice in cases of adult relapse.