Tag: Clearstep

The Advantages Of Clearstep Braces For Patients Near Stillorgan

The 18th century German writer and philosopher Novalis once wrote that: “We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible.” Little did he know that this concept would be most clearly executed in the Clearstep brace!

What is Clearstep and why would I use it?

Perhaps referencing old poets doesn’t quite provided the clarity we hoped for! Treatment with Clearstep involves a series of clear plastic positioners which gradually move your teeth into your desired position for them! The reason people might choose over other forms of treatment is that they are practically invisible! Sadly, traditional metal braces carry with them an unfortunate stigma; perhaps it comes from adolescence, or maybe all those teen comedies in the 80’s, but the rolling pin that is ‘contemporary culture’ has deemed traditional braces ‘not all that attractive’. You could spend months debating how unfair this is. This does not mean, however, that you necessarily want to wear them yourself and, sadly, by the time cultural conceptions of beauty change, it might be a little too late to correct your bite! If you want discreet brace treatment, Clearstep is here for you.

Advantages go beyond aesthetics

Positioners, invisible or otherwise, do have quite a few advantages over their wired counterparts. Most of these stem from their ability to be removed. The difficulty of maintaining oral a high standard of oral hygiene whilst using traditional braces is well documented. Thankfully, with Clearstep, you can briefly remove your aligner whilst your brush and floss! You can also take them out when eating to help keep your aligner clean and prevent them being damaged. Clearstep positioners are not weak though! In fact, if you grind your teeth at night, Clearstep even offers you the same protection that a mouth guard will! You simply need to wear it whilst you sleep. You also avoid the ulcers that can come as result of traditional braces.

Typical treatment

Following a few examinations, your positioners will be produced in a lab. Once they arrive, you will wear a positioner for about two weeks. Each new positioner you wear will move your teeth closer to your desired tooth position. Treatment often lasts between 9 and 18 months, a similar time normal brace treatment. Contact the team at Dublin18 Dental Care near Stillorgan for more information and to arrange a consultation.




Innovative Clearstep Treatment For Patients Near Dun Laoghaire

When it comes to straightening your teeth, there are literally hundreds of options available. Traditional braces have competition and many patients opt for clear aligners to get the work done in half the time as traditional wire and metal. One such innovation that has taken teeth straightening by storm is the Clearstep treatment and its completely clear aligner.

If you’re like the vast majority of our patients who desire a straighter smile without the bulk of metal braces, you’ll love the discreet option Clearstep provides. This is an excellent treatment choice for patients who want desirable results without the social stigma of wearing a brace.

Advanced technology

Clearstep braces use advanced technology to help you achieve your perfect smile. Through the use of clear positioners that are worn for two weeks at a time your teeth are gently nudged in the right direction. Unlike other types of braces, Clearstep aligners do not affect your speech and they are completely removable, making maintaining your oral hygiene routine easy. What’s more, the aligners can be removed at meal times, which mean you can enjoy your food without the hassle of braces getting in the way.

This new innovative technology is one that needs to be seen in person. Clearstep aligners have taken the world of smile makeovers by storm and we are inviting you to get in touch with us at Dublin18 Dental care near Dun Laoghaire to arrange a consultation today. We are confident that if the Clearstep treatment provides the right fit for you, you will not be disappointed.