Tag: dental implants Leopardstown

Why Not Consider Dental Implants Near Leopardstown?

If you have missing teeth there are a number of treatments available to replace the teeth including dental implants. The luxury of dental implants are that they look and feel exactly like your own teeth. Dental implants can give you back the self esteem you need to help you feel better in yourself and boost your confidence. This also allows you to eat properly with confidence and without pain.

They are designed so that they fuse with the bone becoming permanent just like a natural tooth root.  So whether you are missing teeth and have a gap, are in need of an extraction and are considering something to fill the space or if you would like your dentures retained by implants, dental implants could be the choice for you.

Implant surgery

If a patient requires dental implants then surgery will be needed to place the implants into the mouth. This will require an X-ray and a CT scan in order to obtain a 3D picture of the mouth to assist with the smooth running of the implant surgery. Once this has been done the surgery will take place under local anaesthetic to ensure the patient is at ease throughout.

If this is something you are considering, feel free to contact us at Dublin18 Dental Care and we can talk you through your treatment.  You would require an extended implant consultation where we would take X-rays and assess your case.  Suitability depends on a variety of factors which will be discussed in more detail at your visit.

To find out which option is best for you, make an appointment at Dublin18 Dental Care near Leopardstown to discuss the choices available.