Tag: teenage orthodontics

Fixed Orthodontics For Teenagers Near Ballsbridge At Dublin18 Dental Care

With orthodontic issues, such as crooked, crowded or protruding teeth, it’s often best to intervene early for the best results and we often recommend treatment for teenagers. Addressing problems early saves teenage patients from suffering pain and experiencing problems with cleaning their teeth, speaking and eating and increases the chances of successful treatment. We offer various options for teenagers, including fixed orthodontics.

What are the benefits of fixed braces for teenagers?

Fixed braces have withstood the onslaught of popular new invisible braces and remain the most effective solution for many patients. Fixed orthodontics are versatile and they are capable of correcting major issues, as well as minor problems.

Fixed braces are proven to work and the success of treatment is not dependent on the patient in any way, as is the case with removable braces, which have to be worn for a minimum time each day.

Fixed brace treatment is also very simple; once the brace is in place, patients don’t have to worry about taking it out and putting it back in or remembering where they put the brace before they started cleaning their teeth or went out for dinner.

Braces are not the trendiest accessory, but modern braces are more discreet than older versions and the results will be well worth it! At the end of treatment, your smile will look amazing and you can eat and speak with confidence.

Are fixed braces the best option for my teenage son or daughter?

It’s impossible to say which treatment is best for anyone without examining their teeth and analysing their bite. We have detailed consultations with all our patients to identify issues, determine the severity of orthodontic problems and ascertain the best course of action. Once we have the relevant information about your child, we can discuss the options with you and decide which treatment to go for.


Fixed Orthodontics For Teenagers Near Seapoint

There are several orthodontic treatments out there, but fixed braces have stood the test of time and remain a very popular choice, despite the arrival of newfangled, high-tech appliances. We recommend fixed braces for teenagers for a number of reasons:

Benefits of fixed braces

Fixed braces are a tried and tested method and they have helped to create millions of beautifully straight smiles all over the world. Fixed braces are guaranteed to work, as they are in place constantly and do not carry the risks of unsuccessful treatment posed by removable braces, which are successful depending on the patient’s dedication to treatment. Fixed braces can achieve a lot more movement than some other appliances and they are suitable for patients with complex needs. The components of the brace support the teeth during treatment and prevent the teeth from slipping out of position.

Modern fixed braces

Modern fixed braces are lighter and less cumbersome than braces used in previous decades and they are available in a range of colours. They use advanced technology to reduce pain and they have minimal impact on your ability to speak and eat as normal. Initially, like other treatments, when you first start fixed wearing braces it is common to develop a mild lisp, but this will subside after a couple of days and your speech will return to normal.

Orthodontic treatment can be hugely beneficial for teenagers; it has aesthetic benefits, as well as the ability to correct oral hygiene problems and improve the function of the mouth and it is often best to intervene at an early age, rather than waiting. Call us today to find about more about teenage orthodontics at Dublin18 Dental Care near Seapoint.