Why choosing dental implants could be the best decision you make

Dental implants are an excellent treatment option for patients who have suffered tooth loss. At Dublin 18 Dental Rooms, we have a skilled and experienced implant team who can help you restore both the aesthetic appearance of your smile and full functionality to your jaw with the help of implants.

dental-implants-dublinThe numerous advantages of dental implants

Implants have many advantages over traditional methods of replacing teeth – standard dentures or bridges. One of the most important things to remember is that dental implants are the only permanent solution to tooth loss. They are in effect bionic tooth roots, and with prudent aftercare and regular visits to our Dublin dental Room, they could last you the rest of your life.

Dental implants are also the only tooth replacement option that help to prevent bone loss, which is a very common side-effect of losing teeth and is commonly seen in patients who have worn standard dentures for a number of years. They do this because they are made from titanium, which is very compatible with the body, and because they are in direct contact with the jaw bone, stimulating bone growth.

Bone loss is a common reason that standard dentures become loose and difficult to live with over time, and it can also result in a prematurely aged appearance thanks to sagging of the facial skin.

With dental implants your new teeth will stay firmly in position and won’t come loose. This means that you can once again eat a full and balanced diet, and there is no danger of the embarrassment of your teeth falling out in public.

We place dental implants under local anaesthetic here at our Dublin dental clinic, and will usually leave them to heal for a few months before your permanent new teeth are attached.