Author: Dublin18Dental

Emergency Dentistry Even on a Saturday for Patients Near Stillorgan

It goes without saying that looking after ones teeth is vitally importance. If we don’t have healthy, sturdy teeth, we are not able eat or speak normally, and that’s let alone any problems that damaged or unhealthy teeth might cause to our appearance. But, no matter how much trouble we take of our teeth, accidents may still occur. Some of the worst problems that affect our teeth can happen quickly, when we least expect it, rather than a gradual process. These sorts of ‘immediate’ problems can range from trauma to teeth – such as having a tooth knocked out or chipped in an accident – to an abscess suddenly making itself known by causing extreme pain that simply cannot (and should not) just be covered up with painkillers. When problems like this strike, it’s important that you go for emergency dental care.

Emergency dentistry at Dublin18 Dental Care

When problems such as chipped teeth, abscesses, loosened teeth or any unexplained severe pain in your mouth make themselves known, the first thing you should do is call the dentist. It’s not worth thinking that you should put it off, or just try to ‘grin and bear it’, as this will not only cause you to suffer, but could lead to further problems if the problem is not treated right away. Try to call Dublin18 Dental Care straight away, and we will try to see you as soon as possible, on the same day, to ensure that the problem can be solved as quickly as possible. This includes on Saturdays, when emergency dentistry is also available.  We can help with many problems, from emergency root canal surgery to helping with tissue damage or teeth which have fallen out. Call Dublin18 Dental Care for help with your emergency dentistry needs on 01 235 4631.


Patients Near Dundrum Go Crazy for the Popular Pearl White Whitening Toothpaste

We all know that dental hygiene is important, for several reasons. Cleaning and flossing teeth regularly helps stop teeth decaying and thus helps prevent damage. Keeping a clean mouth helps prevent bad breath, and also helps teeth look their most brilliant and white, to ensure a bright smile you can be proud of flashing. However, no matter how much we try to keep our teeth clean, certain foods and drinks, such as tea, coffee and red wine, as well as cigarettes, can stain teeth and cause them to become discoloured. Some degree of discolouration is normal, but it can be easy to feel self-conscious about this and wish there was a way to achieve brighter, whiter teeth, but without the need for expensive artificial tooth-whitening procedures.

Beyond ™ Pearl White ® Whitening toothpaste

Thankfully, help is at hand in the form of Beyond Pearl White toothpaste. Using this dentist-recommended toothpaste regularly will not only help to keep your teeth clean and protected, but it will also help whiten your teeth. The toothpaste contains a powerful stain remover, calcium peroxide, which will help remove stains inside the teeth, while its fluoride will ensure that your teeth remain clean so there is no further build-up. Surface stains are also gently removed by regularly using this toothpaste. The toothpaste will remove tartar build-up and plaque, leaving teeth feeling smooth, looking shiny and protected against bacteria and plaque. In addition, the fresh minty flavour will leave your breath smelling and feeling fresh. Two varieties of the toothpaste are available, Advanced Formula to ensure a thorough clean, and Sensitivity Formula, suitable for more sensitive teeth. This toothpaste is now available exclusively from Dublin18 Dental Care, and is in high demand, so place your order today to ensure that you don’t miss out. 

Anti wrinkle injections and Dermal Filler Beauty Treatments for Those Near Carrickmines

Everyone gets older, and ageing is a natural part of life. Even so, it is easy to feel self-conscious about the physical signs of ageing, as skin can begin to look different thanks to wrinkles or sagging. Many treatments now exist to help combat these signs of ageing, and it’s becoming more and more common for people to undergo some of these treatments fairly regularly. Two such treatments which are offered by Dublin18 Dental Care are Anti wrinkle injections and Dermal Fillers.

Anti wrinkle injections

The treatment works by injecting tiny quantities of the safe bacterial toxin into the muscles to help them relax. This works by stopping the signals between the nerves and the muscles, thus reducing the amount the muscles work temporarily. As the muscles relax, the appearance of wrinkles on the skin is greatly reduced. Treatment with Anti wrinkle injections is almost pain-free, and can take as little as ten minutes. The effects begin to show after two or three days, and you will continue to see improvements for up to a month. The effects can last as long as four months.

Dermal fillers

An alternative treatment is dermal fillers. Similar to Anti wrinkle injections, dermal fillers are usually a gel-like substance which is injected into areas such as the cheeks and lips. The effects of dermal fillers can include the removal of crow’s feet around the eyes, deep ‘smile lines’ around the cheeks and other types of wrinkles, facial scars, smoker’s lines around the lips, and they can also be used to ‘plump up’ lips to help them have a fuller appearance. As with Anti wrinkle injections, the dermal filler is eventually broken down by the body, and so you would need to return for treatment to continue to see the effects. However, the effects of one treatment with dermal fillers can last nine to twelve months! There should not be any way of noticing that you have had treatment with Anti wrinkle injections or dermal fillers, other than your more youthful and wrinkle-free face!


Patients Near To Leopardstown Learn More about Tooth Extraction

Unfortunately, teeth do not always stay in perfect shape, and sometimes, in spite of all the treatments available, extracting a tooth is necessary. Tooth extraction might seem like an extreme procedure, but in some cases it is the only option – and of course, it is better than letting the tooth decay, or fall out on its own, both of which would be incredibly painful, whereas tooth extraction with Dublin18 Dental Care can be a relatively easy procedure. There are several reasons why extraction might be necessary. These can include damage being done to the teeth, for example via sports injuries or falls. If teeth cannot be repaired, extraction may be the safest option. Extraction might also be necessary if you suffer from periodontal disease (gum disease), as the tooth may become loose of its own accord. Sometimes extraction is not as a result of injury or disease: for example, removing a tooth may be a way to alleviate tooth overcrowding. This can happen with children whose adult teeth come through a little earlier. Similarly, extraction may be necessary for some people as their wisdom teeth grow through.


What is the procedure like?

Although extraction sounds scary, every step is taken to make it as easy and pain-free as possible. After discussing the procedure with you, the dentist will give you a local anaesthetic. This will take effect almost instantly, and so means that you should not feel any pain. A tool called an elevator is used to gently increase the size of the socket around the tooth, and then the tooth will be extracted using a special kind of forceps. You may feel the pressure of this while the procedure is taking place, but it will not be painful so much as a sensation of mild discomfort.

Dental Crowns and their Uses for Patients Near Deansgrange

If a tooth becomes broken or damaged, it’s essential to have treatment to make sure the tooth is repaired in order to make sure it is not infected or lost altogether. A common way to support teeth which have become damaged is with dental crowns, also known as caps because they sit over the top of your tooth and then cover the whole tooth. Crowns thus help your tooth look more natural as well as strengthening them. Crowns can be made of several materials, from gold to a metal-and-porcelain composite. Types of crown used at Dublin18 Dental Care include porcelain crowns, useful for their strength and tooth-coloured appearance; Procera crowns, which are made of a very strong, long-lasting material; and the CEREC treatment, a high-tech and very fast procedure which means that the crown can be made and fitted in one visit.

What problems can crowns help with?

One of the most common reasons for a crown to be used is if the tooth has been damaged or decayed, and the patient cannot use the tooth as normal, and there is not enough of the tooth remaining to allow for a filling. Crowns may also be used in cases where there is not enough tooth left to use the composite bonding technique to ‘rebuild’ the tooth. Occasionally, you may choose a crown over a filling, as it offers more support and extra protection. After root canal treatment, it may also be necessary to use a crown to protect the tooth and allow it to heal fully – these are called ‘post’ or ‘core’ crowns. Excessive tooth-grinding or teeth being worn away by an unsuitable diet may also necessitate the use of crowns. Finally, you may choose to be fitted with crowns simply in order to improve your smile, as they fit over your teeth and so can create a more uniform, ‘natural’ looking smile.





Smile Makeover Transformations with Veneers for Patients Near To Foxrock

There are many reasons why people might feel slightly self-conscious about their teeth, ranging from having missing teeth to discoloured teeth. However, it’s a shame not to be proud of your teeth – as the saying goes; the best thing you can wear is a smile! Dublin18 Dental Care can help you with treatments to make over your smile and help you feel more confident, and one of these is dental veneers.

What is a veneer?

Veneers are incredibly thin shells of tooth-coloured material which fit over your teeth to improve their appearance. After a mould is taken of your teeth, to ensure your veneers fit your mouth specifically, the veneers are created in a laboratory. These are then ‘cemented’ in place, and then treated with a special light in order to fix them onto your teeth. The comparison is often made to false fingernails. Veneers can be made of porcelain, ceramic or a composite material (this is used in a procedure called ‘composite bonding’). Porcelain is the most commonly-used material as it is easy to make it tooth-coloured, and it is very strong – with a good hygiene routine, porcelain veneers can last between five and ten years.

What how can veneers help my smile?

Veneers can help cover imperfections to render a more uniform, brilliant smile. Stained or discoloured teeth can be helped with veneers, while damaged teeth – for example, a tooth which has become chipped, can be covered with veneers too. This is particularly suitable if there are just one or two damaged teeth that need ‘repairing’. Equally, uneven gaps between teeth can be covered with veneers, to give a more uniform smile. Veneers are not usually an ideal solution for crooked teeth, but can give an ‘instant fix’ appearance for crooked teeth, unlike the longer process of orthodontics.

Patients Near Dublin18 Area Find Out the Different Filling Options that are Available to Them

We all know the importance of good oral hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash are essential to maintain good teeth and prevent the build-up of bacteria. However, occasionally even the most careful of us can still experience problems with our teeth. This is where fillings can prove useful. Fillings can be used for two predominant reasons: to provide protection against further bacterial build-up in the tooth, or to strengthen and protect a tooth which may have been slightly decayed. Fillings may occasionally be recommended to help with other issues too, including malocclusion (having an incorrect bite) and helping a patient to chew correctly. Fillings are usually only used to help teeth with less serious types of damage. While these functions are shared by all types of filling, the different types of dental filling are suited to different needs for different patients.

Amalgam fillings

Amalgam fillings are made from metal, usually a mix of metals including sliver, copper, mercury and tin. This means they can be noticeable as they do not match up with the natural colour of teeth. However, this type of filling is incredibly strong and can withstand great pressure asserted by bites. This also ensures longevity; with correct care, amalgam fillings can last up to twelve years.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings meanwhile are made of a soft material which can be moulded to the exact shape of the tooth. While they are not as long-lasting as amalgam fillings, usually lasting around five years, they provide a much better look cosmetically, as composite fillings can easily be made to match the colour of the surrounding teeth. This procedure is best suited to smaller fillings that do not need to withstand great pressure. The CEREC procedure, using new technology, similarly allows for ‘invisible’ fillings, and can be completed in one appointment.

Contact Dublin18 Dental Care for further information on your suitability for this procedure.





The Different Dentures Available for Patients Near Foxrock

It is vital to replace missing teeth, both due to their importance for eating and speech, and cosmetic reasons – more serious tooth loss can affect your whole face shape. One of the most common methods of replacing lost teeth is through the use of dentures. The many different types of dentures now available mean that the stereotype of the teeth in the glass of water by the bed is no longer necessary; the different types of dentures offered by Dublin18 Dental Care near to Foxrock, mean that there will be a type suited to each patient’s specific needs.

Acrylic dentures

The most common type of dentures are made from acrylic resin, chosen because of its strength, cosmetic appearance and its comfort. There is no chance of the dentures not fitting or becoming loose in your mouth, as they are designed to the exact specifications necessary for each patient. Partial or full dentures are available, partial dentures being used for patients who have lost a single tooth or a few teeth, while full dentures are used when a replacement of a full set of teeth is necessary.

Chrome cobalt dentures

Chrome cobalt dentures are made from metal, and so the structure of the dentures themselves tends to be slightly stronger than those made of acrylic. Chrome cobalt dentures attach into the roof of the mouth, and allow for a slightly more comfortable feel for the tongue, as well as greater overall strength and sturdiness. Your dentist can recommend which type of dentures would be most useful for you.


An alternative to dentures is dental implants, which are inserted directly into the jawbone. These provide greater stability than other dentures, but are only suitable for patients with healthy gums and suitable bone structure. Your dentist can advise you further on your suitability for this procedure.




Patients from Dublin Learn All About Root Canal Surgery and What The Treatment is For

There is more to a tooth than what is visible to the naked eye. In fact, the majority of a tooth is the root, which is below the gum. The function of the root is to hold the tooth in place. In the middle of the tooth is dental pulp, which is made up of nerve cells and the blood vessels which provide the tooth’s blood supply. These are connected to the rest of the body by going through the tooth’s root, into the area known as the root canal. Occasionally, due to decay or silver fillings leaking, the tooth pulp can become infected. If this is left entirely untreated, the pulp can eventually die, and bacteria can then travel into the root canal, further infecting the rest of the mouth. This can lead to bad breath (due to all the bacteria in the mouth), abscesses, intense pain and even eventual tooth loss. To prevent all this, root canal surgery may be necessary when the pulp becomes infected.

What does root canal surgery involve?

After taking an x-ray and placing a thin sheet of rubber called a ‘dental dam’ over the tooth to prevent infection during the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anaesthetic to ensure that the treatment is pain-free. The next step is to make a small opening at the top of the tooth, to make the pulp accessible. Special narrow dental files are then used to remove the infected pulp, and then a special cleaning fluid may be used to clean around the new space and the root canal, to make sure that the source of the problem – the bacteria – is totally removed. The space is then filled with a permanent filling, and occasionally a crown may be used to provide extra support. This can usually be done in one visit.


Fixed Braces for a Straight Smile for Patients Near South Dublin

Those of us who do not have perfectly straight teeth may be self-conscious about our smile, and it’s a terrible shame for anyone to have to hide their smile away. Luckily, help is at hand thanks to fixed braces, which can help create the perfect smile. There are now many different types of brace available, but fixed braces remain among the most popular, after a long history of being used to treat various irregularities in teeth.

What is a fixed brace?

Fixed braces are probably the most common type of dental braces. They are made of metal brackets which are, as the name suggests, fixed onto the teeth so that they cannot be removed. Wires link these brackets, and this mechanism asserts gentle pressure onto the teeth over time to allow for the gradual correction of the teeth. In other words, the teeth are gently pushed into a straighter position over time. The braces will occasionally be tightened by your orthodontist to ensure your teeth move in the correct way.

When is a fixed brace useful?

Fixed braces can be used to correct various cosmetic problems with teeth, including straightening teeth, to correct the overall shape of a jaw, or to correct the spaces between teeth – for example, to close up gaps between teeth, or alternatively to help teeth which are too close together. The treatment can take between six months and three years, depending on the exact situation. While there are many different types of braces, fixed braces have a proven record of results. Despite the fact that they are more noticeable than so-called ‘invisible braces’, they are much more affordable. Fixed metal braces are suitable for most patients, except those with allergies to the metal, and in some rare cases with patients with periodontal problems, for example sufferers of type one diabetes.

Contact Dublin18 Dental Care near to South Dublin for more information.