Author: Dublin18Dental

Foods and Drinks that Stain the Teeth of Patients from South Dublin and How to Remove Them

It is incredibly important to be aware of what foods you eat, as many may be causing tooth decay, gum disease and sensitivity in the mouths of many patients from South Dublin.

The Usual Suspects

Several popular drinks, such as tea and coffee, are particularly common offenders, with black tea being one especially nasty customer. Red wine and cola not only stain but also erode the enamel. Cola, when served chilled, also causes tooth enamel to become more vulnerable and thus susceptible to staining. Soy sauce not only contains powerful discolouring agents but also sticks to the teeth, allowing staining pigments to leech deeper into them. The herbs and spices used in most curries are powerful staining agents, as are sweets and berries. The list hardly stops here but, for the sake of brevity, I think I will.


So, what can one do about this? Well, drinking tea through a straw is one option, but what if the damage is already done? Superficial blemishes can be handled by specialist toothpaste or a hygiene appointment with your dentist, but deeper, embedded stains will require teeth whitening treatment. ‘Teeth whitening’ uses a peroxide-based bleaching gel which penetrates the tooth surface and cleans the teeth.

However, in very extreme cases, even teeth whitening might not be effective. In these circumstances, dental veneers are viable option. Veneers are thin shells of material that are bonded to the front of the teeth, the shade of which can be selected to give the impression of a pearly smile. Veneers come in two forms – porcelain and composite. If you are going for a full smile makeover, porcelain is the optimal choice, it being more durable. Porcelain veneers require a minor re-shaping of the mouth, however, so composite veneers are preferable if you only need a few teeth re-coloured and wish to retain more of your natural mouth structure.


Patients from Foxrock with Severe Tooth Misalignment can Find the Ideal Treatment with Fixed Braces

For many patients their orthodontic problems are too severe for treatment with aligner systems such as invisible aligners or the Inman Aligner, but this needn’t mean they can never have the smile of their dreams.

How fixed braces can help.

Patients from Foxrock who suffer with complex orthodontic cases that involve twisted teeth, severe misalignment, pronounced overbites and other serious orthodontic problems can find the solution they need with fixed braces.

Fixed braces may not be as aesthetically pleasing as clear aligners, but they can complete the job of tooth movement a great deal better and a great deal quicker. Your fixed brace with provide constant treatment throughout the time you wear it, able to provide tooth movement for every tooth in your mouth, not just the ones you see when you smile. Moving the whole mouth will create a better bite and a better facial appearance, bringing balance and symmetry to your smile and face.

Oral hygiene for fixed brace wearers

Your new smile will soon be in place, but you wouldn’t want to ruin the big reveal with teeth damaged by decay and staining. This is why it is so important for anyone wearing a fixed brace to clean their teeth thoroughly and invest in special brushes and floss to help them clean their teeth, brackets and wires correctly. This will mean that your smile will be stunning, white and straight once your braces have been removed.

Fixed braces have been used for many, many years and are a great device to help those with complex orthodontic problems find the smile they always dreamed of.

Discuss you orthodontic problem with one of the friendly Dublin18 Dental Care practitioners, who can help you find the right brace treatment for your specific orthodontic condition.

The ‘Invisible’ Braces for Adult Orthodontic Patients from Monkstown

Invisible braces are the most innovative development in orthodontics, helping adult patients achieve the perfect smile without the need for noticeable fixed wires and brackets. One of the most innovative of these brace system is invisible aligners, a pioneer of the clear aligner orthodontic system.

What are invisible aligners and is it for me?

The invisible aligner treatment is comprised of a series of clear aligners, which are replaced every two weeks with a new aligner that is a slightly different fit to the one before. This gradual change of aligners helps move the teeth gently and effectively and, as the aligners are made from clear plastic, discreetly.

Your aligner will be made from your specific dental impressions and from imagines taken of your mouth and teeth.

Patients from Monkstown who are looking to treat problems such as misalignment, tooth gaps, twisted teeth, crooked teeth and overbites may be able to find the treatment they need with the invisible aligners.

What are the other benefits of invisible aligners?

As invisible aligners are removable you are able to eat and brush your teeth without the usual concerns over dental hygiene. Fixed braces trap plaque and food debris, which then rests against the surface of the tooth causing tooth decay. This doesn’t happen with invisible aligners, as you are able to take them out during mealtimes, so no food becomes stuck and you can soak them in retainer cleaner and clean the entire surface of your teeth with ease.

Also, as invisible aligners do not require dental cement to attach them to your teeth, so you will not cause any damage to the front of your teeth, which can occur with fixed brace treatments.

If you have any questions concerning the invisible aligners treatment please feel free to get in touch with use by calling or emailing the clinic.

Patients from Carrickmines can have Beautiful Smiles in No Time with Porcelain Veneers

People with heavily stained teeth, tooth chips and worn teeth can all benefit from the cosmetic enhancement of porcelain veneers.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are known as the ‘false nails’ of the cosmetic dentistry world, as they sit over the surface of a damaged or stained tooth masking any problems you may have. Made of the very finest porcelain, veneers mimic both the whiteness and natural translucency of a tooth, meaning that they appear completely natural within your mouth.

How are they fitted?

Most veneers treatments require 2-3 visits to assess your teeth, prep your smile and fit your veneers. The first appointment will involve a thorough check of your teeth and mouth to make certain that veneers are the best treatment for you. After this you will return to the clinic, where we will prepare your teeth for your new veneers by removing a small portion of the tooth surface, taking impressions of your teeth and fitting you with temporary veneers. These impressions, along with your ideal shape and colour preference, are sent to a specialist dental laboratory, where your new, beautiful smile will be created. On the third visit you return to the practice to have your personalised veneers fitted, using strong dental adhesive to securely bond your tooth and veneer together. Your new teeth will then be polished and buffed to ensure that they look natural, clean and healthy.

What are veneers able to treat?

Patients from Carrickmines may suffer from a range of tooth problems, but if they suffer with:

  • Discoloured, deeply stained teeth.
  • Chipped or cracked teeth that need cosmetic restoration.
  • Teeth worn along the edges.
  • Crooked teeth that require mild straightening.
  • Small, yet noticeable tooth gaps between the teeth.

then  they can receive the treatment and results they need with porcelain veneers.

Perfect Teeth with Six Month Smiles for Patients from Leopardstown Looking for Straight Teeth in Six Months or Less

In today’s fast paced world we want everything to be done quickly and efficiently and the same is now required from our orthodontic treatments. This why a revolutionary cosmetic dentistry technique called Six Month Smiles was created, helping patients from Leopardstown straightened their crooked smiles in six months or less.

Why have Six Month Smiles?

If you have crooked teeth, misaligned or gappy teeth then Six Month Smiles may just be the brace for you! Six Month Smiles braces are incredibly popular in the USA because they are difficult to notice and are swift, with great results. Perfect!

How does it work?

Six Month Smiles use incredibly discreet tooth coloured wires and brackets, which are barely noticeable in the mouth. This makes Six Month Smiles a great treatment for adults who are trying to resolve a dental issue but don’t want an obvious metal brace in their mouths.

Over the treatment time the wires slowly and gently bring the teeth into an aligned position. The focus is on the front teeth, or the teeth you can see when you smile, which is why this treatment is quicker than other brace systems.

Six Month Smiles are often used in the treatment of patients with specific time frame in mind, who are looking for effective treatment in time for a wedding or another special occasion. They are also one of the most discreet fixed brace systems, which are only noticeable from very close up. This means they are able to combined the effective tooth movement of fixed braces with the discreet nature of removable aligners, making them a great all-round brace.

Different Methods of Teeth Whitening for Patients from Stillorgan

It is true that certain everyday food and drinks that we consume cause the natural whiteness in our teeth to disappear. Whether it is our everyday morning brew, our love of red wine, or the bad habit of smoking, all these things contribute to the staining and discolouration of our teeth. This can lead to a loss of confidence in our appearance and we can start to feel unattractive, hiding our mouth and trying not to laugh or smile with our mouth open.

Today, more and more people are starting to get their teeth whitened and toothpastes and kits you can buy from the high street are flying off the shelves. Here at Dublin18 Dental Care we offer a range of teeth whitening techniques that provide fantastic results, unlike some of the cheaper high street products.

Zoom! Teeth Whitening technology

Zoom! in-surgery whitening is an innovative, highly successful modern treatment, performed in our dental surgery, which achieves fantastic results in under an hour. The treatment uses a state of the gel and light technology to achieve the whitest smiles. The gel is applied to the teeth and a special light is used to activate the gel to break down the stains and discolouration that dampens even the most attractive smiles.

At home kits

You can also choose to lighten your teeth in your home with home whitening kits, which can achieve lighter, brighter teeth over a number of weeks. We first will take an impression of your teeth and create a tray that fits your own mouth. You will then put a special gel in the trays, which lightens the teeth by up to several shades over the course of the treatment.

Whatever method of whitening you choose patients from Stillorgan can call or drop in at Dublin18 Dental care where we can discuss the best options for you.

Oral Hygiene and Check-ups to Keep Patients from Deansgrange Smiling Happily for Years

To ensure that your teeth and mouth remain healthy, patients from Deansgrange should visit the dentist twice a year for a check-up and mouth maintenance service. A dentist can look at your teeth in greater detail and with state of the art technological advancements will be able to spot the first signs of any issues or problems with your teeth, so that you will always have healthy teeth and gums.

Here at Dublin18 Dental Care we look after our patients and make sure that they visit us every six months so we can maintain and look after our patients’ teeth. With specialised cleaning, scaling and polishing methods we can make your teeth gleaming and bright,.

Oral hygiene is key to healthy teeth

Looking after your teeth should mean a lifetime of permanent natural teeth, but you must follow a regular dental hygiene routine for this to happen. When you wake up in the morning give your teeth a good brush. You should also brush your teeth more thoroughly before you head for bed at night, as food debris will have built up throughout the day. Flossing is a great way of removing any debris stuck between the teeth, which may turn into plaque if left over time. There are different kinds of floss and once you start using it you will see a big difference in the cleanliness of your teeth.

Fluoride toothpaste is recommended to keep your teeth as healthy as possible and mouthwash is an added welcome to your oral hygiene routine, removing any last bits of plaque and debris that the flossing and brushing did not remove.

Try to keep sugary treats to the minimum and eat a healthy diet and you will be well on the way to smile perfection!


Mouthguards for All Round Protection for Patients from Dublin18

Mouthguards can be used for a number of reasons, from protection during contact sport to treating the pain of teeth grinding. Here at Dublin18 Dental care we offer a range of mouth guards to suit individual patient’s needs, which includes:


Many people suffer from teeth grinding for a number of reasons, with anxiety and stress being a main cause of teeth grinding for patients from Dublin18. Patients often grind their teeth at night so are unaware of such behaviour until symptoms of teeth grinding occur, such as a painful jaw and flattening of the teeth.

A nightguard is worn throughout the night whilst the patient sleeps so that if teeth grinding does occurs the teeth and jaws are protected. A nightguard doesn’t solve the problem of why you are teeth grinding but it does stop you causing yourself more harm and injury.


Aggressive contact sports such as rugby and boxing require mouthguards in order to stop any harm or injury from occurring if the person is hit in the mouth or face. Dental injuries can be very severe if a mouthguard is not worn whilst taking part in contact sports. There could be tooth loss or tooth breakage, which can lead to costly dental treatment in the long run.

Essix Retainers

Essix retainers are made from completely clear plastic and are used after braces have been taken off to prevent the teeth moving back to their old position. Essix retainers are incredibly strong, keeping your teeth in place while you sleep. As well as wearing your Essix retainer during the night they should also be worn for around 4 hours during the daytime, however, they are very comfortable and clear, so no one will be able to see them.

It is very important that you wear your retainer after orthodontic treatment to ensure that your post treatment positioning remains in place and doesn’t revert back to the way they were prior to the treatment.

The Importance of a Fixed Retainer After Brace Treatment for Patients from Foxrock

Brace Treatment Aftercare

When you have had Orthodontic treatment you know that it often takes a lot of time and money to achieve the perfect results you want. You may have spent a long time wearing braces, with time, effort and money all spent to achieve your ideal appearance. So, why let all that hard work go to waste by not wearing a retainer? In order to stop your teeth returning to the position you were unhappy with a retainer needs to be worn to keep that perfect smile in place.

What is a bonded retainer?

Bonded retainers are small, thin wires that are glued to the back of the teeth in order to keep your smile in its new position.

In simple terms, by not wearing bonded retainer eventually your teeth will return to the incorrect position and all the treatment you underwent and the money you spent will have been a waste of time.

Any special oral care required?

Similar to wearing braces you must be extra careful when you are brushing your teeth, as any kind of wiring in the mouth is merely an extra place where food debris can get stuck, breeding bacteria and ultimately generating tooth decay. It is therefore important for patients from Foxrock to keep a regular oral hygiene routine, as those wearing bonded retainers are more susceptible to the problem of plaque build up and tooth decay. You can get special floss to help you clean thoroughly, which works with the wire to gain as much access to the teeth as possible, so tartar doesn’t build up.

Gently brush around the wiring using a soft bristled brush and make sure you clean them thoroughly. Again, try to avoid sugary foods and drinks, as they are very bad for teeth and are extra difficult to remove with wiring in the mouth.


Patients in Dublin can Achieve a Film Star Look from Dublin18 Dental Care

We offer a great range of dental treatments here at Dublin18 Dental Care for our patients in Dublin, but did you know that we also offer the fantastic facial rejuvenation results of Anti wrinkle injections? Most people have heard about Anti wrinkle injections because of the fantastic facial rejuvenation results it offers and because of the numerous famous people who have regular Anti wrinkle injections in order to keep their youthful, smooth appearance.

Why have Anti wrinkle injections?

An unfortunate part of getting older is that our face sags and ages. We start to get laughter lines around our eyes and lines around our mouth and start to see more and more wrinkles that didn’t exist before. We often feel depressed and don’t recognise the person staring back at us. A fantastic solution to this is Anti wrinkle injection treatment. Anti wrinkle injection is injected into the parts of the face that have been affected by age, to soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles and refresh the look of the whole face.

Anti wrinkle injections achieve results that are like a face lift but without the surgery. There is no stress or strain on the body like there is with an invasive procedure and there is no recovery time needed.

What else should I know about Anti wrinkle injections?

other great thing about the procedure is that you can literally pop into the Dublin18 Dental Care clinic in your lunch break or when you happen to be off work, as the treatment only takes from ten to twenty minutes. The results of Anti wrinkle injections usually last for about 3-4 months, after which you can return to the practice for more treatment.

No matter what your age Anti wrinkle injections are a great way of boosting your appearance for a more attractive, younger look that will fill you with bags of confidence.

Come and see us or give us a call at Dublin18 Dental Care for further information or consultation.