Category: dental treatments

Patients Near Dublin18 Area Find Out the Different Filling Options that are Available to Them

We all know the importance of good oral hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash are essential to maintain good teeth and prevent the build-up of bacteria. However, occasionally even the most careful of us can still experience problems with our teeth. This is where fillings can prove useful. Fillings can be used for two predominant reasons: to provide protection against further bacterial build-up in the tooth, or to strengthen and protect a tooth which may have been slightly decayed. Fillings may occasionally be recommended to help with other issues too, including malocclusion (having an incorrect bite) and helping a patient to chew correctly. Fillings are usually only used to help teeth with less serious types of damage. While these functions are shared by all types of filling, the different types of dental filling are suited to different needs for different patients.

Amalgam fillings

Amalgam fillings are made from metal, usually a mix of metals including sliver, copper, mercury and tin. This means they can be noticeable as they do not match up with the natural colour of teeth. However, this type of filling is incredibly strong and can withstand great pressure asserted by bites. This also ensures longevity; with correct care, amalgam fillings can last up to twelve years.

Composite fillings

Composite fillings meanwhile are made of a soft material which can be moulded to the exact shape of the tooth. While they are not as long-lasting as amalgam fillings, usually lasting around five years, they provide a much better look cosmetically, as composite fillings can easily be made to match the colour of the surrounding teeth. This procedure is best suited to smaller fillings that do not need to withstand great pressure. The CEREC procedure, using new technology, similarly allows for ‘invisible’ fillings, and can be completed in one appointment.

Contact Dublin18 Dental Care for further information on your suitability for this procedure.





The Different Dentures Available for Patients Near Foxrock

It is vital to replace missing teeth, both due to their importance for eating and speech, and cosmetic reasons – more serious tooth loss can affect your whole face shape. One of the most common methods of replacing lost teeth is through the use of dentures. The many different types of dentures now available mean that the stereotype of the teeth in the glass of water by the bed is no longer necessary; the different types of dentures offered by Dublin18 Dental Care near to Foxrock, mean that there will be a type suited to each patient’s specific needs.

Acrylic dentures

The most common type of dentures are made from acrylic resin, chosen because of its strength, cosmetic appearance and its comfort. There is no chance of the dentures not fitting or becoming loose in your mouth, as they are designed to the exact specifications necessary for each patient. Partial or full dentures are available, partial dentures being used for patients who have lost a single tooth or a few teeth, while full dentures are used when a replacement of a full set of teeth is necessary.

Chrome cobalt dentures

Chrome cobalt dentures are made from metal, and so the structure of the dentures themselves tends to be slightly stronger than those made of acrylic. Chrome cobalt dentures attach into the roof of the mouth, and allow for a slightly more comfortable feel for the tongue, as well as greater overall strength and sturdiness. Your dentist can recommend which type of dentures would be most useful for you.


An alternative to dentures is dental implants, which are inserted directly into the jawbone. These provide greater stability than other dentures, but are only suitable for patients with healthy gums and suitable bone structure. Your dentist can advise you further on your suitability for this procedure.




Patients from Dublin Learn All About Root Canal Surgery and What The Treatment is For

There is more to a tooth than what is visible to the naked eye. In fact, the majority of a tooth is the root, which is below the gum. The function of the root is to hold the tooth in place. In the middle of the tooth is dental pulp, which is made up of nerve cells and the blood vessels which provide the tooth’s blood supply. These are connected to the rest of the body by going through the tooth’s root, into the area known as the root canal. Occasionally, due to decay or silver fillings leaking, the tooth pulp can become infected. If this is left entirely untreated, the pulp can eventually die, and bacteria can then travel into the root canal, further infecting the rest of the mouth. This can lead to bad breath (due to all the bacteria in the mouth), abscesses, intense pain and even eventual tooth loss. To prevent all this, root canal surgery may be necessary when the pulp becomes infected.

What does root canal surgery involve?

After taking an x-ray and placing a thin sheet of rubber called a ‘dental dam’ over the tooth to prevent infection during the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anaesthetic to ensure that the treatment is pain-free. The next step is to make a small opening at the top of the tooth, to make the pulp accessible. Special narrow dental files are then used to remove the infected pulp, and then a special cleaning fluid may be used to clean around the new space and the root canal, to make sure that the source of the problem – the bacteria – is totally removed. The space is then filled with a permanent filling, and occasionally a crown may be used to provide extra support. This can usually be done in one visit.


When do Patients near Monkstown Need a Tooth Extraction?

It isn’t pleasant, but sometimes you need to have a tooth removed. There are numerous scenarios in which extraction will be necessary. Here are the most common offenders.

Repair is not practical

A tooth may have such extensive decay, or have been fractured in such an extreme manner, that extraction may be deemed more appropriate than any other form of procedure for patients near Monkstown. In these cases, it may be that an obstacle has presented itself, which prevents other forms of surgery. These obstacles do not necessarily have to be physical and it may just be that the cost of treatment is too much. If you suffer from gum disease, this can also lead to extraction. As gum disease advances, your tooth may be supported less and less by the surrounding bone and could come loose. Here, extraction may be the only viable option. 

To prepare for braces

Orthodontic treatment is used to perfect the alignment of a patient’s teeth. In some scenarios there may be a discrepancy between the size of a patient’s jaw and the space required to improve the alignment of the teeth. In such a situation, some teeth may require extraction. 

Poorly positioned and non-functioning teeth

Wisdom teeth have a habit of coming through at an awkward angle, often provided endless irritation to a person’s cheek. These serve as a prime example of teeth that may need to be removed due to their positioning. Some teeth can also serve little functional process but carry with them the potential for future complications. Wisdom teeth, due to their position in the mouth, can, for example, create oral hygiene problems, as they are hard to clean. This can lead to problems for the surrounding teeth and thus wisdom teeth may be viable for extraction.

Talk to us

Regardless of how you get there, Dublin18 Dental Care will be able help you along every step of the procedure. If you have any worries or queries, please do contact the practice!

What Should Patients near Carrickmines do if They have an Accident and Knock Out, Chip or Fracture a Tooth

Any kind of damage to your teeth can feel like a nightmare scenario if you don’t know what treatments are available to you. Several varieties of procedure are available, each one being better suited to treating certain types of damage.

Treating a chipped tooth

We’ll start with the least severe of the three. In minor cases, where the damage is purely cosmetic, you will most likely be recommended dental veneers. Veneers are wafer thin shells of material that are bonded to the teeth and help conceal aesthetic blemishes. If the chip is more extreme, or if you are experiencing difficulty eating or drinking with that tooth, a crown may be more appropriate. A crown is like a cap, which sits upon the damaged tooth, both protecting it and improving its appearance.  Cosmetic bonding may also be deemed appropriate. This is a process where a dental composite material is applied to the teeth, which can be used to fill in and conceal a chip.

A tooth is knocked out 

It is possible to re-insert a knocked out tooth, provided you haven’t lost it! In such a situation you should contact your dentist immediately. If you’ve lost it, or the tooth itself cannot be salvaged, there are plenty of options available outside of an unsightly gap, the most common being dentures, bridges and implants. Dentures are removable replacements for your teeth and can look incredibly convincing and feel extremely comfortable for patients near Carrickmine with missing teeth. Dental bridges are a little more permanent than dentures. A bridge is essentially a false tooth that is anchored to the surrounding teeth. Dental implants are the most effective in the replacement of teeth and shouldn’t affect the surrounding teeth during the replacement surgery, something that can occur with bridges. 

Fractured Teeth

Fractured teeth are handled in a similar way to chipped teeth and use the same procedures. Which treatment is the most appropriate is determined by the extent of the damage.

Looking After Your Teeth in the City of Dublin for Years of Smiles

Your teeth are different from the rest of your body, in that they cannot regenerate new material when damaged has occurred. If you break a bone or scrape your knee your body will repair the injury, creating new bone or skin to correct the damage. However, if dental enamel is worn, broken or damaged it will not be able to regrow and will gradually become worse if left untreated.

What can I do to look after my teeth?

Caring for your teeth is incredibly easy and it just requires persistence to prevent the development of any problems. A good dental health routine should occur daily and should include:


Brushing your teeth is the bedrock of your dental health and should take up two minutes of your time in the morning and before you go to bed. Brushing removes the build-up or plaque and debris that lead to dental health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. For the best results brush in small circular motions, using a fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristled brush. Using a soft brush also allows you to gently clean the gums.


Flossing is often forgotten, but it is an essential action to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing removes the plaque and debris trapped between the teeth, which cannot be reached using a toothbrush. Flossing also helps clean the gums, for complete dental health.


Mouthwash is the crowning glory of your dental health routine and rinses any leftover bacteria from the mouth. Mouthwash is also a great idea if you like fresh smiling breath.

Although something you can’t do every day visiting your Dublin dentist every 6 months will also ensure that your teeth are in the very best of health and will prevent the development of any dental problems.

A daily routine is sure to keep your teeth gleaming and healthy for years to come.

Top Tips for Patients Near Deansgrange Wearing Fixed Braces

Braces are often, rather nastily, compared to train tracks, and, in a sense, braces are a bit like a train ride to some heavenly destination; it just takes a good while and you have to pass through a multitude of small nations, each with their own bureaucratic methods of nuisance, before you get there. Before this analogy gets a bit sidetracked, it’s important to focus on braces as being a means towards an incredibly desirable end, but you need to learn how to make a potentially uncomfortable journey as painless as possible. 

Foods to avoid

The dining cart of our metaphorical brace train will, sadly, have a limited menu. The main objective is to avoid anything that could loosen or break your brace. Apples, for instance, are fine provided you cut them first, but bagels and hard rolls are notorious for bending wires and loosening brackets. Bubble gum poses no major threat, but will be a real nuisance to clean up. Crunchy stuff like hard sweet, crisps and nuts are a no-go, but most meats should be fine, provided they’re not too tough and there is no threat of accidentally gnawing a bone. Pizza is fine, just not the crusts, and now would also be a good time to give up a few bad habits: Biting your nails or chewing on pencils won’t do much good to your brace. Avoid sugary and starchy foods where possible: Bacteria can feed on the sugar and starch, creating plaque and if you don’t keep your teeth clean while wearing braces your teeth can scar!


Cleaning your teeth while wearing braces shouldn’t be a daunting task for patients near Deansgrange. Brush your teeth three times a day with fluoride toothpaste, paying particular attention to where the gums and teeth meet.  At night, after brushing, do not rinse your mouth! This will leave some fluoride on your teeth and make them stronger. Purchasing Interdental brushes will also help with cleaning the brace itself as they can get around the brackets of a fixed brace.




Emergency Saturday Dentistry for Patients Near Foxrock at Dublin18 Dental Care

It goes without saying that taking care of our teeth is of vital importance. Without healthy, strong teeth, we cannot eat properly or speak correctly, not to mention the negative way unhealthy teeth affect our appearance. Yet no matter how much care we take of our teeth, accidents can still happen. Some of the worst problems that affect our teeth can occur quickly, when we least expect it, rather than as part of a gradual process. These sorts of ‘immediate’ problems can range from trauma– such as having a tooth knocked out or chipped in an accident – to an abscess suddenly making itself known by causing extreme pain that simply cannot (and should not) just be covered up with painkillers. When problems like this strike, it’s important that you visit a dentist for emergency dental care.

Emergency dentistry at Dublin18 Dental Care

When problems such as chipped teeth, abscesses, loosened teeth or any unexplained severe pain in your mouth make themselves known, the first thing you should do is call the dentist. It’s not worth thinking that you should put it off, or just try to ‘grin and bear it’, as this will not only cause you to suffer, but could lead to further problems if the problem is not treated right away. Try to call Dublin18 Dental Care near Foxrock straight away, and we will try to see you as soon as possible, on the same day, to ensure that the problem can be solved as swiftly. This includes on Saturdays, when emergency dentistry is also available.  We can help with many problems, from emergency root canal surgery to helping with tissue damage or teeth that have fallen out. Call Dublin18 Dental Care to help with your emergency dentistry needs on 01 235 4631.

Why Should Patients Near Foxrock Wear a Bonded Retainer After Braces Treatment?

Braces are hardly greeted positively, so wanting to rid your mouth of any additions post treatment is more than understandable! However, it is possible for the teeth to return to their original position, thus negating the entirety of your brace treatment. That is, unless retainers are used.

What is a retainer?

Put simply, a retainer is a removable device, usually made of plastic and wires, which keeps in place (or ‘retains’) the position of your teeth after brace treatment. Retainers come in the three types: Hawley, Essix and Bonded. Hawley retainers are the best known of the three types and utilise a metal wire that surrounds the teeth to keep them in place, they also have the added benefit of being adjustable for minor tooth movement. Essix retainers are clear, made of PVC and similar in appearance to ‘ invisible’ braces. Bonded retainers consist of a wire that is permanently bonded to the back of your teeth.


It can take months for your teeth to set post-treatment and they will be especially prone to ‘relapse’ after the first month, so it is crucial that you wear a retainer during this period! At this stage your retainer should be worn throughout the day, except for when you eat or brush your teeth. Your dentist will most likely guide you through how long you should wear a retainer in this manner. This period could be anything between two and twelve months, but can, in some circumstances, be more. It is recommended that, following this, the retainer is still worn occasionally, whilst sleeping for instance, to prevent any possible problems from occurring in the future. This goes especially for people with tongue thrust issues!

In conclusion

Remember: Attend your check-ups, listen to your dentist near Foxrock and wear your retainer or all that hard work may be for nought!

Perfect Teeth with Six Month Smiles for Patients from Leopardstown Looking for Straight Teeth in Six Months or Less

In today’s fast paced world we want everything to be done quickly and efficiently and the same is now required from our orthodontic treatments. This why a revolutionary cosmetic dentistry technique called Six Month Smiles was created, helping patients from Leopardstown straightened their crooked smiles in six months or less.

Why have Six Month Smiles?

If you have crooked teeth, misaligned or gappy teeth then Six Month Smiles may just be the brace for you! Six Month Smiles braces are incredibly popular in the USA because they are difficult to notice and are swift, with great results. Perfect!

How does it work?

Six Month Smiles use incredibly discreet tooth coloured wires and brackets, which are barely noticeable in the mouth. This makes Six Month Smiles a great treatment for adults who are trying to resolve a dental issue but don’t want an obvious metal brace in their mouths.

Over the treatment time the wires slowly and gently bring the teeth into an aligned position. The focus is on the front teeth, or the teeth you can see when you smile, which is why this treatment is quicker than other brace systems.

Six Month Smiles are often used in the treatment of patients with specific time frame in mind, who are looking for effective treatment in time for a wedding or another special occasion. They are also one of the most discreet fixed brace systems, which are only noticeable from very close up. This means they are able to combined the effective tooth movement of fixed braces with the discreet nature of removable aligners, making them a great all-round brace.